Price table
wholesale price
CurrencyPurchase Sale
Switzerland Franc 8 series CHF84.33304.5700
Great Britain Pound GBP4.90305.1400
Australia Dollar AUD2.12503.5000
Czech Republic Crown CZK0.14400.1710
Norwegian krone NOK0.1500
Canada Dollar CAD2.50702.7100
Switzerland Franc CHF4.31004.5900
Hungary Forint HUF0.00640.0111
Guernsey Pound GGP4.77505.1100
Ireland pound IEP4.77505.1100
Ireland pound IEP4.10705.1100
Jersey pound JEP4.77505.1100
Scotland Pound SCP4.90805.0700
Isle of Man pound IMP4.77505.1100
Germany Mark DEM1.87102.1800
Estonia Crown EEK0.22000.2630
Belgium Franc BEF0.07500.1080
Slovakia Crown SKK0.09300.1540
Latvia lats LVL5.13906.2300
Lithuania lit LTL1.02101.2300
Croatian Kuna HRK0.43500.5400
Slovenia Tolar SIT0.01300.0180
retail price
Switzerland Franc 8 seriesCHF84.19004.5800
Great Britain PoundGBP4.65005.1500
Australia DollarAUD1.78003.8500
Czech Republic CrownCZK0.10100.1710
Norwegian kroneNOK0.1000
Canada DollarCAD2.16002.9500
Switzerland FrancCHF3.65004.6200
Hungary ForintHUF0.00330.0112
Guernsey PoundGGP4.36005.1200
Ireland poundIEP4.36005.1200
Ireland poundIEP3.85005.1200
Jersey poundJEP4.36005.1200
Scotland PoundSCP4.36005.0800
Isle of Man poundIMP4.36005.1200
Germany MarkDEM1.54002.1900
Estonia CrownEEK0.16500.2630
Belgium FrancBEF0.06400.1090
Slovakia CrownSKK0.08600.1570
Latvia latsLVL4.47006.2900
Lithuania litLTL0.70001.2800
Croatian KunaHRK0.40000.5500
Slovenia TolarSIT0.01300.0180

WITHDRAWN banknotes

Do you have currency withdrawn from circulation? Maybe you don't even know it, on our website we present most of the withdrawn banknotes of European countries that our company buys - check if you have withdrawn banknotes.

Our company buys old and withdrawn banknotes, currently the list includes 23 European currencies. Don't know if the banknotes you have at home are worth anything? Check our website where we present the appearance of each banknote and the purchase price, which is negotiable and largely depends on the amount of currency being exchanged. The purchase of withdrawn German marks, Slovak crowns, British pounds or other currencies involves exchange for Polish złoty at a competitive price. It is also possible to exchange for the current version of banknotes, if the exchange concerns a currency that is still in circulation in a given country at the exchange rate set by the currency cashier.

Currently, there is great interest in the sale of withdrawn Swiss francs - we offer on-site purchase at branches or by courier - more information on the website order a courier

We invite you to our branches (exchange offices)

  • Wrocław
  • Katowice
  • Rybnik
  • Żory
  • Racibórz
Please contact the exchange office employee by phone or e-mail in advance: details provided above.

Withdrawn European currencies

After the introduction of the common European currency: Euro, many countries of the Old Continent withdrew their own currencies from circulation, on our list you can find withdrawn banknotes of Germany: Deutsche Mark, Spain: Spanish Peseta, Portugal: Portuguese Escudo, Belgium: Belgian Franc, Luxembourg: Luxembourgish Franc, Netherlands: Dutch Guilder, Estonia: Estonian Kroon, Slovakia: Slovak Kroon, Romania: Romanian Leu, Austria: Austrian Schilling. We buy each of the presented withdrawn banknotes at the agreed price.

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